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St. Veronica Guiliani
St. Veronica Guiliani
Who is St. Veronica Giuliani? What makes her the 4th probable woman doctor of the Catholic Church?
Mystic, visionary, prophet and stigmatist, St. Veronica Giuliani’s greatness lie not so much in these Divine gifts but in her profound generosity to be THE VICTIM SOUL for sinners bound for hell.
Having been shown this infernal prison and the horrific agony that lies therein, she begged the Lord to allow her to block the entrance of hell to prevent anyone from entering during her lifetime! And ransomed every sinner with her heroic VICTIMHOOD. “As long as I stand in the doorway, no one shall enter. O souls go back! My God, I ask nothing of You but the salvation of sinners. Send me more torments, more crosses!” this great saint wrote in her diary.